Plasma defender fallout 4
Plasma defender fallout 4

plasma defender fallout 4 plasma defender fallout 4

The companions that we meet along the way make the journey bearable. The Appalachia chapter of the Brotherhood during their soon to be failed mission of wiping out the Scorched plague found that the Ultracite crystals that the plague originated from became a deadly poison to infected hosts of the plague and were able to design laser guns, gatling lasers, and even suits of T-51 power armor upgraded by Ultracite. One of their biggest advancements was during their mission to destroy the Institute in the Commonwealth with their construction and subsequent use of an airship known as The Prydwen.

plasma defender fallout 4

Plasma Defender Fallout 4 By mangmesigas1972 Follow | PublicĪdditionally it is shown they have the ability to reprogram robots to act as soldiers or helpers with the most destructive robotic weapon in their arsenal being the Liberty Prime, a robot that was left unfinished during the war.

Plasma defender fallout 4